Hyperbolic motion in curved space time
Hyperbolic motion in curved space time

hyperbolic motion in curved space time

In the same way, we want an equation that can describe all types of bulges, not just the ones earth make.ġ.2 Differential equations imply a continuity of change. One way to interpret this is: If I start moving in space, my personal time will slow down.īoth of these equations describe a circle, but the first one defines a circle of radius 4 whereas the second one defines all circles. Instead, everything is always travelling at the speed of light through spacetime (for a certain definition of speed, more on this later), and something starting to fall towards the ground is merely changing it’s direction. I find that one of the core things to understand about why things fall in general relativity, is that they do not start out stationary and begin to move. Later investigations of the theory exposes strange effects such as how the center of a black hole is not a place in space but a moment in time. This thought lead him down a rabbit hole of curved spacetime and gravity being geometry, and in the process he (arguably) solves the mysteries of action at a distance and inertial/gravitational mass, that plagued Newton. See, if inertial mass and gravitational mass are exactly the same, everything will fall at the same speed, making it hard for a falling observer to establish that he is in a gravitational field.Įinstein hypothesized that, not only would it be hard, but in fact impossible. Therefore, from his local perspective gravity wouldn’t seem to exist.” - Albert Einstein

hyperbolic motion in curved space time


As he plummeted in free fall, everything within his grasp (a toolbox, for example) would plunge with him. “Imagine a workman standing on the roof of a house and losing his footing. In late summer 1666, Isaac Newton observes an apple falling from a tree, sparking a chain of thoughts that would eventually lead to a theory of universal gravitation.Ģ41 years later in 1907, Albert Einstein thinks about, not falling apples, but falling people. Image put together from Wikipedia and surface plotter

Hyperbolic motion in curved space time